Active Life Training Program
Active Life Training Program
| Your Goals, Our Mission
You want results, and we’re committed to leading you there. Godspeed coaches are dedicated to enhancing your health and fitness through genuine accountability, intentional education, spurring grit, and disciplined instruction.
Proverbs 14:23
“All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.”
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60 minutes of grit – designed with an activating warm up that is core adapting and joint stabilizing, followed by prescribed strength training and finished off with a challenging work out of the day.
Pure strength, no cardio. Functional strength class built to increase strength and build muscle mass while correcting individual asymmetries through compliant, corrective movements.
High-tempo, cardio pump group class designed with less barbell and more heart rate using total body movements, various tools of training, and assorted work to rest ratios.
Individualized nutrition plan designed to fuel your performance and body comp goals.
Details Matter
Comprehensive Baseline / Quarterly Evaluation
One Monthly Rate
Individualized Prescription for
Unlimited Class Attendance
Details Matter
Comprehensive Baseline / Quarterly Evaluation
Individualized Prescription for
One Monthly Rate
Unlimited Class Attendance
| Evaluation & Consultation
You won’t know how far you’ve come, without knowing where you began. The Godspeed comprehensive Evaluation has been developed to determine your starting point, define your goals, measure your progress, and give quantitative results to guide your next achievements.
Health + History Screen
In depth analysis of previous injury and activity history
Body Composition
Inbody 570 Scan providing detailed analysis of individual skeletal muscle mass and body fat %
Strength / Power Analysis
Total, Upper, and Lower Body Strength/Power test
Result + Consultation
Post Evaluation consultation of results along with Goal setting, training and nutrition prescription
Body Measurements
Physical measurements of individual to set baseline and monitor results
Movement Analysis
Movements screen to identify current and future areas of asymmetries
Energy System Analysis
Energy system test evaluating the short, mid, and long-term energy systems
| Evaluation & Consultation
You won’t know how far you’ve come, without knowing where you began. The Godspeed comprehensive Evaluation has been developed to determine your starting point, define your goals, measure your progress, and give quantitative results to guide your next achievements.
Health + History Screen
In depth analysis of previous injury and activity history
Body Measurements
Physical measurements of individual to set baseline and monitor results
Body Composition
Inbody 570 Scan providing detailed analysis of individual skeletal muscle mass and body fat %
Movement Analysis
Movements screen to identify current and future areas of asymmetries
Strength / Power Analysis
Total, Upper, and Lower Body Strength/Power test
Energy System Analysis
Energy system test evaluating the short, mid, and long-term energy systems
Result + Consultation
Post Evaluation consultation of results along with Goal setting, training and nutrition prescription
This schedule applies to Godspeed Hoover and Jones Valley locations.
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The Godspeed Hoover campus was designed and built with a purpose.
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